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   A Physics Resource For Creative Teaching and Learning 


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It has been over 25 years now since I began my journey as a classroom teacher. This year, I began my studies in Educational Technology at Michigan State University. I built this site as a resource for teachers, to synthesize and share what I have learned in a course devoted to creativity. The site is dedicated to imaginative learners whose skills can be advanced and trained as they reach across disciplinary boundaries. The image of a portal seemed most inviting and appropriate for this site. Thinking about "synaesthetic" experience, has lead me to a deeper understanding of how I share meaning with my students as they are also entering portals into new and inspiring landscapes.

       I  also like to think of bridges that connect prior experiences to new beginnings. For me, thinking about the imaginative process has provided a bridge, a deepening appreciation of alternative paths to reach students though creativity in instructional planning.

    The site is roughly structured around themes presented in the book "Sparks of Genius, The 13 Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People" by Robert and Michelle Root-Bernstein. To extend and share my learning, I have provided sample activities inspired by integrative tools ordered in their text: Observing and Imaging, Patterning and Analogizing, Abstracting, Modeling and Dimensional Thinking, Embodied Thinking and Empathizing, Playing and Transforming, and Synthesizing. This website is just a starting line for the adventures that await you. As you advance and transform your professional practice, these creative tools will inform your steps. 

    I chose to link Poetry to Physics in my quest to expand and connect students to their daily experience of Physics. While this is one path to encourage creativity, and many renowned Physicists have chosen poetry as a communication tool, there are may other potentials for artistic expression and enhanced understanding.

    Universal Design For Instruction is a theme that resonates well with this approach to bridge academic disciplines, enlivening and individualizing student learning. The use of poetry and other art forms reaches into the diverse contexts of student experience, enriching and expanding the learning process for each student. This website also includes a set of  resources to support and guide any teacher who is looking for a creative, challenging, and exciting adventure in the classroom. The investment in your personal growth will pay great dividends for your students as you employ available digital technologies to enhance the beauty and lasting value of  their learning experience.

    The site is interactive, complete with a blog for the community of learners that will frequent this site. For the sake of our students, we must first model how growth and transformation occurs in a community of learners. I invite your active feedback and participation as you share your journey cross new bridges and enter new portals into vast and unexplored venues.


James Kerr

Physics Teacher



Portals and Bridges

Teaching is often a matter of finding a new door or a bridge to deliver deeper learning opportunities to students who are hungry for understanding. In"Sparks of Genius, the 13 thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People"by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein, teachers will find a rich resource for inspiring creativity in the classroom. Select the link below to read a review the book posted on


 Tools That Support Creativity 

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          Robert K. Logan
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Samuel McNerney,
Cognitive Scientist
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                     Tanya Marie Taft
        on Curriculum Integration
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                Stephen Hawking reads:             "Relativity" by Sarah Howe

Topics In Physics

Motion In One Dimension
'Where The Sidewalk Ends"
Shel Silverstein
-Ode On A Grecian Urn-
John Keats


Work and Energy
-Fire-Caught -
Langston Hughes
John Greenleaf Whittier
Two Dimensional Motion 
-The Tyger-
William Blake
-To A Skylark-
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Momentum and Collisions

-Dover Beach-

Matthew Arnold

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas


Forces and Laws of Motion

-Passing Time--

Maya Angelou

-The Swing-

Robert Louis Stevenson

Vibrations and Waves

-The Lake Isle of Innisfree-

W.B. Yates

-Sonnet  60-

 William Shakespeare


                -The Bells-

                   Edgar Allen Poe



                      Robert Frost






                    -From Clee To Heaven The Beacon Burns-

                                       A. E. Houseman

                         - I'll tell You How The Sun Rose-

                                       Emily Dickinson 


              -I Sing The Body Electric- 

                            Walt Whitman


                                 Mary Oliver



Getting Started

The Poetry Of Motion provides a space for students to grow their appreciation for all motion that defines their daily experience.



Twitter  @JamesKe49840668

P.O.Box 216  Wauseon, Ohio 43567

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